Number of the records: 1
Who's who in the theatre
Title Who's who in the theatre Subtitle a biographical record of the contemporary stage Author info compiled and edited by John Parker Další autoři Parker John (1875-1952) Issue 10th ed., revised Issue data London : Isaac Pitman & Sons, 1947 Physical description - viii, 2014, 8 s.: il. Annotation Osobnosti divadelního světa do 40. let 20.stol. ISBN (Váz.) Form. Descr. biografie, encyklopedie UDC (092), 929, (031), 792(73)+(410), 791.635-055.2(73)+(410), 791.635-051(73)+(410) Language eng - English Country GB - Great Britian Doc. Kind AEB - Biographical encyclopedia ABC135 - Knihovna Národního filmového archivu NFA Control Number (NFA-K)b-00045244 Copy count 1, currently available 0, at library only 1 Database xxxk - Books Call number Track No. Location Sublocation CS Info 1436 0003684 FOND HRAD In-Library Use Only
Number of the records: 1